
True Lover!

You found the place where you can order your tools for the Movement...


Mandala Magic, the new book by Mikki Funk

"My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which was presented to me anew each day.” Carl Jung


Yes Wow - The Book Of Selflove

"Self Love is the answer to all your problems"  -  It's one thing to know this, the next step is taking action...


I AM - Transformation Cards

This card game is a tool that inspires your own creativity and shows you playful new perspectives on issues that might seem serious. This game is also an invitation to take the step of being radically who you are...


True Love - The Book Of

Everbody wants TRUE LOVE Everybody needs TRUE LOVE Everybody desires TRUE LOVE That's why it is so powerful!


Sustainable Lifestyle Solutions

"If you want to go fast - walk alone.

If you want to go far - walk together." African Proverb

Love, love, love! Last week I did a reading using your deck for my housemate. She loved it! And loves the cards!

Adina, France

"Yes Wow is the Artist's Bible"

Jiga, Israel

"Heyya Mikki! I got your transformation card game as a gift . I love it so much! I will order 4 sets as well. Just want to leave you this message to tell you, how wonderful this is!"

Birgit, Berlin